The process: First pay 10 to get your cedula which proves you paid your community tax, it's supposed to be a percentage or your salary but nobody does that. Next pay 100 to get your police clearance processed, renewal or new is the same process.
I am immediately noted by people working in the process that I am travelling abroad, they asked it several times because I wrote it in my application form. I guess the other people didn't write that down because they weren't being asked. I think I am the only one they asked if I could give them some money for a snack.

Next my photo is taken for the amount of 20 using a webcam. The 1st pic shows a computer setup in the alley and later they print your pic into your document from the printer there. Then I am asked if I need my document today, a rush process costs me 100.
Then I had to wait. I was told to sit by the fan and I was told it only costs 2 pesos. But I wasn't sure if he said something else because he murmured it. I asked him "what?" and he said never mind. Maybe I asked too loudly. I was by the fan and when the person next to me left and the fan was closed. But it was windy anyway.
While waiting I noted how evenly the pattern of finger prints are smeared all over the wall. no 2 finger prints overlap. See the pic, it almost looks like wall paper right? I guess some people rather not pay for soap.
Finally my name is called and I got to the printer to print my picture on it. I was asked again if I could give them some money for a snack and I said I would, and gave them 50 on my way out of the alley. That's not really a bribe since I did it at the end.
The process took no more than an hour. Pretty fast if you ask me as long as they don't mistype your name. A fellow applicant had to resubmit because of a typo.